Linux Basics: Commands that you must learn to use Linux more proficiently

Linux is a popular operating system that is widely used by developers and system administrators. In this blog post, we'll take a look at some of the basic Linux commands that every Linux user should know.

Linux Basics: Commands that you must learn to use Linux more proficiently
Photo by Dylan Shaw / Unsplash

Linux is a popular operating system that is widely used by developers and system administrators. In this blog post, we'll take a look at some of the basic Linux commands that every Linux user should know.

pwd - Print Working Directory

The pwd command is used to display the current working directory. This command is useful for checking your current location in the file system.

$ pwd

ls - List

The ls command is used to list the files and directories in the current directory. This command is useful for getting an overview of the contents of a directory.

$ ls
file1.txt file2.txt directory1

There are also a number of options that can be used with the ls command, such as -l for a detailed listing or -a for showing hidden files.

cd - Change Directory

The cd command is used to change the current directory. This command is useful for navigating around the file system.

$ cd directory1

mkdir - Make Directory

The mkdir command is used to create a new directory. This command is useful for creating a new directory to organize files.

$ mkdir new_directory
  1. touch - Create File

The touch command is used to create a new file. This command is useful for creating an empty file that can be edited later.

$ touch new_file.txt

rm - Remove

The rm command is used to remove files or directories. This command is useful for deleting files that are no longer needed.

$ rm old_file.txt

There are also a number of options that can be used with the rm command, such as -r for removing a directory and its contents.

cp - Copy

The cp command is used to copy files or directories. This command is useful for creating a backup of important files.

$ cp file1.txt file1_backup.txt

There are also a number of options that can be used with the cp command, such as -r for copying a directory and its contents.

mv - Move

The mv command is used to move or rename files or directories. This command is useful for reorganizing files or changing file names.

$ mv file1.txt documents/
$ mv file1_backup.txt file1_new.txt

cat - Concatenate

The cat command is used to display the contents of a file. This command is useful for viewing the contents of a file without opening it in an editor.

$ cat file1.txt

grep - Global Regular Expression Print

The grep command is used to search for a specific string of text within a file. This command is useful for finding specific information within a file.

$ grep "search_string" file1.txt

These are just a few of the basic Linux commands that every Linux user should know. By mastering these commands, you'll be well on your way to becoming a proficient Linux user.